
Favorable Review of Community’s Fire Protection Services

The Insurance Services Office (ISO) recently completed an analysis of the structural fire suppression delivery system provided by the Teton Village Fire Department and, once again, the resulting Public Protection Classification (PPC) is favorable at 05/5X.

“We are pleased with the outcome,” says Kevin Salava, Fire Chief in Teton Village.  “The lower the PPC, the better.  The O5/5X classification should result in lower insurance premiums for property owners.”

ISO’s PPC program evaluates communities according to a uniform set of criteria, incorporating nationally recognized standards developed by the National Fire Protection Association and the American Water Works Association.  A community’s PPC grade depends on needed fire flows, emergency communications, fire department, water supply and community risk reduction.

“The Teton Village Special Fire District (TVSFD) emphasizes attracting, training and retaining qualified volunteers,” says Mike Daus, TVSFD Board Chair.  “In addition, we recognize the importance of coordinating with other agencies to keep the PPC number low.  Our department trains regularly with Wilson and Jackson Hole Fire/EMS.”