
Metrics Prove TDM Program Success

Teton Village District Offices

tdm-chartTeton Village Association manages traffic to and from Teton Village because less cars mean fewer wildlife-vehicle collisions, lower carbon emissions, and less vehicle congestion, which helps add up to a higher quality of life overall for our community.

In order to reduce traffic, the Teton Village Association (TVA) has overseen a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program for Teton Village for more than 15 years. The Teton Village TDM includes incentives for residents and visitors to leave their cars at home in the winter, such as free and frequent bus service from Stilson transit center and free parking for carpools in the Ranch parking lot. The Teton Village TDM also mandates a proven disincentive to driving to Teton Village:  paid parking during the winter season only. The metrics prove TVA’s implementation of paid parking in all Village lots and the expansion of START Bus service to Teton Village have changed travel modes and driving behaviors to alternative transit and group transportation. Although the average number of skiers has increased 2.5% since 2000, average traffic volumes have stabilized and are actually down 0.6% in the morning and 0.9% in the evening. Read more here.